Aikido Beginner Program Signup
Welcome to the dojo!
To complete the sign-up process, please fill out your information below, complete the payment details, and digitally sign the attached waivers.
Our Membership Agreement details the terms of your monthly membership in detail. You will see a one-time fee of $140 to balance out the $225 for the Aikido Beginner Program, which includes: first month dues, uniform, beginner handbook, first testing fee, and registration fee.
After your first month, on-going dues of $85 per month will be collected automatically at the beginning of each month.
We require no contracts and you can cancel your membership at any time. Your membership entitles you to participate in all weekly classes. Seminars, workshops and other events are charged separately and are voluntary.
When arriving for your first class, we ask that you arrive thirty minutes early so we can size you for a uniform, provide you with your Beginner Handbook, and introduce you to the other students. If you have any questions, please ask a senpai (senior student) or the sensei.
We also ask that new students participate only in the first forty-five minutes of class. Once you are comfortable rolling and falling, you are welcome to join the normal-paced classes. You can stay, watch, and learn, or you can exit the mat and leave early.
Welcome and we look forward to you getting started!
Kimusubi Aikido Orlando Dojo
Personal Information
Emergency Contact Information
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Enter payment details for this plan
KAO Monthly Membership
$85.00 / MONTH
*Please note that there is also a one-off setup fee of $140.00
Please read and sign the following agreements
Release and Waiver of Liability
Membership Agreement